Common Car Accident Injuries And When To Seek Help

Common Car Accident Injuries And When To Seek Help
Car accidents–- in an instant, our day can be ruined or life changed forever.
Along with the emotional toll that many of these accidents bring about, there is an obvious, immediate health concern at play as well. Because of the differing nature of car accidents, an array of different injuries can occur immediately, as well as with a delayed onset well after the incident.
If you’ve been in a car accident recently and are struggling to manage some of the intense aftermaths of the crash, give yourself the room to take a deep breath. You are not alone. There are so many moving pieces to each individual scenario, and it’s helpful to figure out where your story and experience fall in order to get the assistance that you need to move forward. Here, we outline some of the more common types of injuries to keep an eye out for following an accident, so you can better navigate post-accident life and recovery.
Neck And Chest Injuries From Accidents
One of the most common injuries that come to many people’s minds when they hear of a car accident is whiplash. Whiplash occurs with a jarring, back-and-forth movement of the head that mimics the cracking of a whip. It happens to many people who have been rear-ended and are extremely common. Of course, the severity of whiplash injuries depends on the speed of the vehicles during the accident and a couple of other factors but is generally treatable with consistent medical care.
Some of the more serious injuries that some experience in an automobile accident are those that involve the chest area. Blunt force trauma, sometimes from hitting the steering wheel during an intense collision, can result in broken ribs, collapsed lungs, or damage to other internal organs. These severe injuries require immediate, emergency medical attention.
Head And Back Injuries From Accidents
Injuries to the head are unfortunately one of the common and very dangerous injuries to occur from a car accident. When drivers or passengers are involved in higher speed collisions, it’s far too easy for their heads to hit a window, dashboard, or steering wheel with traumatic force. From mild concussions, skull fractures, loss of hearing, and more, these injuries are possibly scarier because they are not always immediately evident to the physical eye. In the case of any suspected head injury following an accident, no matter how seemingly minor, it’s imperative to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. While you might think you’re okay, you may have internal trauma that a doctor can help to identify before it worsens.
It is also common for car accident victims to experience trauma to their spine area, like a herniated disc or a damaged spinal cord. Though the more serious spinal cord injuries can lead to paralysis, most are less dangerous than head injuries. Still, injuries to the spinal areas can be the cause of various forms of referred pain, including difficulty operating your arms and legs without feelings of tingling, numbness, or weakness. If you’re experiencing back pain after a car accident, getting into a medical office to get checked out is incredibly important, as sometimes these injuries require an X-ray or MRI image to determine what is going on structurally. These professional images can be absolutely crucial in receiving the help that you need in a timely manner.
Working Through The Emotional Distress Following Post-Accident
Whether you suffered severe injuries from a car accident or were lucky enough to walk away physically unscathed from the incident, the emotional toll of a traumatic event like this cannot be overlooked. It is common to experience flashbacks, anxiety, or depression surrounding intense events. These feelings are all incredibly difficult to manage solo.
Remember: you don’t have to go it alone! The best thing to do if you’re working through some complicated emotions in your life post-accident is to give yourself some extra room, confide and ask for help with those you are close to, and reach out for professional help if you need it.
Can Chiropractic Help You Overcome Your Car Accident Injury?
Barring emergency medical needs on the accident site, it’s best to seek medical help immediately following your accident. Sometimes after a jarring event, it’s easy to dismiss seemingly little aches and pains that can later grow into something more difficult to manage and ultimately overcome.
Chiropractic care can play a huge role here. From more common whiplash symptoms to various neck and shoulder injuries, this conservative care has greatly assisted many in their process of working through post-accident issues. Through the use of spine, neck, and extremity manipulations or adjustments, this care can help to realign the body, decrease inflammation, relieve pressure, and reduce nerve irritability. Your practitioner can also help you implement an at-home care plan when necessary to help your recovery process along outside of office hours. Plus, if there is a suspicion that there is something structural going on as well, they can order the lab or imaging work to make sure that you have all the necessary pieces to your health puzzle.
Again, in the case of accident injuries, it’s imperative that you seek help right away even if you think that your pain is minor. Many of these injuries can build over time, and they are much better nipped in the bud.
By working consistent chiropractic care into your rehabilitation routine, you could cut down on your healing time and increase your overall quality of life. That’s a huge win-win. The bottom line: if you’ve been in a car accident, seeking medical treatment immediately could make a real difference in both instant relief and your long-term recovery. Get help now; schedule your chiropractic appointment online or call 256-721-9696.
This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for in-person advice or care from a medical professional.