Rocket City Chiropractic Blog

New Goal, New You, New Injury?

New Goal, New You, New Injury?

Starting a new workout or fitness routine? We like your style!  Plenty of people struggle with keeping up with well-intentioned fitness goals, but there’s another less commonly talked about the piece that could factor into your plans: injury. As you’re ramping up into your new workout routine, unexpected injury can sideline you in a big…

Winter— A Pain in Your Back

Winter— A Pain in Your Back

Have you ever heard someone say they can predict a storm coming when their back or joints start to ache? While the science behind this particular claim is still out to the jury, when the weather outside is frightful, your back could actually be at a higher risk for injury.   But you needn’t fret! Winter…

3 Tips from a Huntsville Chiropractor

3 Tips from a Bailey Cove Rd Huntsville AL Chiropractor

3 Tips from a Huntsville AL Chiropractor 1. Visit with purpose and exercise in between Many people only visit a Huntsville AL chiropractor because of an immediate need relating to an acute injury or because of a past injury that was not properly dealt with. If you are in significant pain, you may need to…

Take On Weight Loss, The Healthy Way

Take On Weight Loss, The Healthy Way

The desire to shed a few extra pounds is one that many of us share. We may feel that we would be at our best if the scale could just move several paces lower. So, why can it feel so difficult to make significant headway in this goal? Though each individual’s journey with weight loss…

Keep Holiday Sickness – And Stress – Away

Keep Holiday Sickness – And Stress – Away

Holiday cheer is all fun and games…until your entire household catches that nasty bug that seems to go around every year. Runny nose, hacking cough, fever, chills…all those symptoms have no place in your packed holiday schedule.  Why does sickness tend to pop up a bit more frequently during these winter holiday months? Well, despite…

Are You Looking for a Huntsville Chiropractor?

Are You Looking for a University Dr Huntsville AL Chiropractor?

Are You Looking for a University Dr Huntsville AL Chiropractor? Many people only start looking for a chiropractor when the pain becomes unmanageable or chronic. Chronic pain in the neck or back pain is typically ongoing and persists until treated. Chronic pain is generally not resolved by pharmaceuticals and this is where University Dr Huntsville…