Rocket City Chiropractic Blog

The Impact of Pregnancy on Posture: What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know

The Impact of Pregnancy on Posture: What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know

If you’ve got a bun in the oven – let us congratulate you! The anticipation of a new baby joining the family is exciting and special. However, in the whirlwind of focusing on the health of your baby, many moms-to-be sometimes aren’t fully prepared for the changes that pregnancy brings to their bodies or the…

The Joy and (Back) Pain of Being a New Mom

The Joy and (Back) Pain of Being a New Mom

Did you know your body is considered postpartum for an entire year after your little one arrives? Unbeknownst to many new moms, post-pregnancy hormones have a powerful effect on your joints, ligaments, lower back, and other parts of your body. What should you do to avoid postpartum pain? And, are there ways to bounce back…

How To Knock Out Shoulder Pain

How To Knock Out Shoulder Pain

That nagging shoulder ache…the sharp pain when you move your arm or the twinge between your shoulder blades. Sometimes, you even feel shoulder pain in your neck. Regardless, it translates to constant and uncomfortable pain, often inhibiting daily activities. So what do you do and is surgery in your future? Sadly, many are told that…

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Scoliosis

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Scoliosis

Diagnosing and Treating Adolescent Scoliosis  Scoliosis screenings are often part of elementary and middle school health exams. However, scoliosis can be easily missed, as the onset and development are usually gradual and only noticeable when bending over.  Scoliosis can sometimes cause pain and muscle imbalances that cause the spine to pull on attached muscles, ligaments…

Disc Herniation Within Athletics

Disc Herniation Within Athletics

Herniated discs can happen to both athletic and non-athletic folk alike. That doesn’t make the back and neck pain or nerve sensations any more pleasant for the former population. Figuring out treatment while also trying to nail down a return-to-activity plan can feel incredibly daunting, especially for athletes. How can you visualize pushing yourself in…

Is It A Migraine, Tension Headache, or ‘Just’ a Headache?

Is It A Migraine, Tension Headache, or ‘Just’ a Headache?

Headache pain: dull to throbbing, splitting to burning. There’s no denying it, a headache is enough to ruin your day or for some, sideline you for days. There are many physical and environmental factors to consider when determining what causes your headaches. And why is it some people seem to be more prone to pain…