Rocket City Chiropractic Blog

Sedentary Lifestyle Linked to Poor Health

Sedentary Lifestyle Linked to Poor Health

Do you spend hours sitting at a desk while working? Does your day involve staring at a screen for focused periods of time? Do you notice your posture struggling with the surprising demands of sitting?  You’re not alone. The average American now spends more than 10 hours per day in front of a screen. As…

Common Causes of Migraines and How to Effectively Treat Your Headache Pain

Common Causes of Migraines and How to Effectively Treat Your Headache Pain

Migraine headaches are among the most prevalent — and the least-understood — medical conditions in existence.  Approximately 13% of the world’s population suffers from migraines at some point in their lives. Because the symptoms vary so significantly from one patient to another, they can be challenging for mainstream medicine to diagnose and treat.  As most…

Natural Alternatives When a Baby is Breech

Natural Alternatives When a Baby is Breech

An expectant mother-to-be knows all too well the aches and pains of a growing and constantly changing body. You’re also likely familiar with worrying about your unborn baby, wanting to make sure you do everything in your power to have a positive, healthy pregnancy experience.  That’s why it can be difficult for many mothers to…

The Healing Benefits of Chiropractic Care For Children

The Healing Benefits of Chiropractic Care For Children

Most of us don’t think of young children as having issues that might require chiropractic care. But did you know many painful ailments that plague adults actually stem from a misaligned spine due to an undetected childhood spinal injury? If you think about it, the first few years of a child’s life are all about…

Beat Neck Pain Before It Begins

Beat Neck Pain Before It Begins

As our world whirs forward and technology continues to advance in new and exciting ways, it’s inevitable that more of our workforce spend a heavy amount of time in front of a computer. Add in our connected smartphones to keep track of social media, news, and even work email, and we’re looking at a serious…

Managing Stress Amidst Uncertainty

Managing Stress Amidst Uncertainty

Anxiety. Isolation. Constant worry. Overwhelming feelings. As COVID-19 continues to spread and our collective realities drastically shift, it’s easy to feel a bit ungrounded in all of the uncertainty. When will conditions improve? When will the kids get to go back to school? When will it feel safe to gather in groups again? With the…