Rocket City Chiropractic Blog

The Risk Of Hip Injuries In Young Athletes

The Risk Of Hip Injuries In Young Athletes

An active kid is a healthy kid! Well, usually.  Promoting an active, healthy lifestyle from a young age is a great way to set your child up to have good health habits lifelong. But of course, there’s some inherent risk that comes with just about everything.  Young children are a bit more susceptible to hip…

Will Surgery Actually Fix My Back Pain?

Will Surgery Actually Fix My Back Pain?

Chronic back pain has a way of infiltrating so many nooks and crannies of life. It can get in the way of taking vacations with family, doing the exercises that you love most, and even interfere with proper sleep. All of these pieces over time can feel incredibly detrimental to a good quality of life. …

What Are Cluster Headaches – and What Gets Rid of Them?

What Are Cluster Headaches – and What Gets Rid of Them?

It’s no exaggeration that cluster headaches bring some of the most profound levels of pain known to mankind.  Patients have described cluster headache pain as a hot dagger being poked through the eye and into the brain. My apologies for the very graphic description but seriously, the pain is intense. Women have compared cluster headaches…

Common Migraine Headache Triggers

Common Migraine Headache Triggers

If you’re a migraine headache sufferer, you know the feeling all too well: intense, throbbing pain, often around the temples, and sometimes on one side of the head.  Other migraine symptoms may include: Migraine pain is sometimes so severe it sends sufferers to the emergency room. The debilitating pain can make performing even routine daily…

5 Neck Pain Causes That Might Surprise You (And When To See A Doctor)

5 Neck Pain Causes That Might Surprise You (And When To See A Doctor)

Many people experience neck pain at some point in their lives. From poor posture to osteoarthritis, the causes of neck pain vary considerably from person to person, but sufferers know the symptoms all too well: If you find yourself massaging your neck several times during the day, it could be more than daily stress and…

Puttin’ The Squeeze on Tension Headaches

Puttin’ The Squeeze on Tension Headaches

Persistent head and neck pain.  A dull, achy sensation all over the head. A persistent ache behind the eyes.  A painful scalp.  A rubber band pulled tight around the head.  These are just a few of the ways people describe their tension headaches.  A tension headache is the most common type of headache, and regular…