Rocket City Chiropractic Blog

8 Lesser Known Sciatica Myths and Facts

8 Lesser Known Sciatica Myths and Facts

Sciatica can be a debilitating condition that usually makes people think of excruciating pain shooting down their leg, but it’s much more than that.  Sciatica affects millions of people worldwide, yet many are still confused and may even believe incorrect information. In this article, we will discuss eight less common myths and facts about sciatica…

Picking the Right Pillow for Neck Pain

Picking the Right Pillow for Neck Pain

Ever thought about how important pillows are for a good night’s sleep? Turns out, using the wrong or old pillow can lead to problems like neck pain. But don’t worry, it’s not just a guess – science proves it!  This article explains why bad pillows can hurt your neck and shows you the best ways…

The 4 Types of Sciatica Pain and How to Address Them

The 4 Types of Sciatica Pain and How to Address Them

Sciatica pain can wreak havoc on your daily life, making it difficult to do simple tasks like walking up stairs or getting in or out of your car. From a mild annoyance to debilitating pain, it varies widely in its presentation and intensity.  But did you know that sciatica is not always the same for…

A Holistic Approach to Obesity-Related Health Issues

A Holistic Approach to Obesity-Related Health Issues

In the United States, obesity stands as the second-leading cause of preventable death, creating a mounting health crisis with far-reaching implications. It is not just a matter of willpower, but is a complex condition influenced by genetics, environment, metabolism, and other factors.  Beyond the societal focus on appearances, obesity is a chronic disease with severe…

10 Tips to Prevent Back Pain While Doing Yard Work

10 Tips to Prevent Back Pain While Doing Yard Work

Taking care of your yard can be hard work, whether you’re clearing snow during winter or tending your garden in the summer. Doing things like bending, lifting, and twisting over and over again can make your back feel uncomfortable and even cause injuries. But don’t worry! There are things you can do to prevent this.…

Staying Fit and Active as You Age

Staying Fit and Active as You Age

Aging is an inevitable journey that brings with it a wealth of experiences and wisdom. Yet, it also comes with physical changes that can impact our overall health and well-being. Staying fit and active as you age becomes a paramount consideration, not only to maintain a high quality of life but also to ward off…