A Drug-Free, Holistic Treatment for Mental Illnesses

A Drug-Free, Holistic Treatment for Mental Illnesses

Mental illness is a common issue with one in five Americans experiencing symptoms which impact their overall quality of life and health. Prescription medication and therapy are two typical treatments used by doctors to address issues associated with mental illnesses; however, there is another option that is drug-free and proven to be effective.

Depression is a mental illness that is estimated to affect five percent of adults around the world. It is a leading cause of disability and can lead to suicide if not properly treated. More women than men report suffering from depression, but everyone is susceptible to developing this illness.

Anxiety and depression sometimes go hand-in-hand. Anxiety usually appears when one is feeling worried, tense, or afraid–particularly about things that could happen in the near future. While anxiety is a natural human response when under threat, some people experience extreme amounts or occasions of anxiety to the point that it is no longer an effective or normal response to a situation. 

Typical treatments for these mental illnesses can cause side effects. However, symptoms can be naturally and effectively reduced or even completely removed through this holistic treatment.

Can Depression Be Treated Without Medication?

Depression affects all age groups with the World Health Organization (WHO) stating that 280 million people worldwide suffer from it. 

Depression is not the same as feeling down or having the blues. It is not akin to usual mood fluctuations or a short-lived emotional response to a difficult situation. Rather, it is more severe and typically recurrent. It can affect your self-view and life in general. It affects how someone reacts to those around them and to stimuli of everyday life. 

At its worst, depression can lead to suicide. The WHO states that over 700,000 people die from suicide annually, and it’s the fourth leading cause of death in 15- to 29-year-olds. 

There are effective treatments for mental disorders such as depression, although more than 75 percent of people in low- and middle-income countries receive no treatment at all. One of the reasons people don’t seek out treatment is due to the social stigma associated with mental illness.

Can Chiropractic Care Help Mental Health?

Chiropractic care can help those who suffer from mental health issues by using a holistic treatment that relieves many of the symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. Chiropractic treatment deals mainly with the health of the nervous system, which is responsible in part for controlling emotional and psychological health. 

Chiropractors are able to utilize techniques that remove nerve interference, thereby allowing for the regulation of the nerves which control the fight or flight mechanism of the brain. With better control of this reaction, patients are more able to manage the stress associated with mental health illnesses. 

Can Chiropractic Care Treat Depression and Anxiety?

Depression can be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Anxiety is characterized by fatigue, the inability to sleep, muscle stiffness, headaches, bodily aches, and the inability to relax. Both mental illnesses have been known to cause imbalances in the body, which contribute to their symptoms. 

A chiropractor will provide a complete examination to determine places on the spine that could benefit from manipulation, which can cause the following:

  • Improved blood flow: When the blood flow is improved through spinal manipulation, it can relax tense muscles. 
  • Decreased pressure on the nerves: If the vertebrae of the spine are out of place, it can place pressure on surrounding nerves. A blocked nerve in the lower back may affect any number of areas of the body due to the way that the nervous system circulates throughout the body. A chiropractor can identify a problem area in the neck or back and relieve symptoms through an adjustment. Future treatments are often recommended to ensure that the area remains unblocked and pressure is regularly relieved.
  • Release of positive hormones: Studies on chiropractic care show that after an adjustment, your body increases hormones such as neurotensin, oxytocin, and cortisol. These hormones do the following: neutralize stress-induced pain, boost neuro-communication and feelings of social bonding, and block pain from inflammation.
  • Reduced muscle activity: It’s been proven that following spinal manipulation, muscle activity is reduced by 25 percent. This often means that patients are able to relax more easily. 

Chiropractic care goes above and beyond treating back pain, which many people assume is its only benefit. It is a holistic approach to healthcare, treating the entire body, including the mind, with clear benefits for mental health illnesses, such as depression and anxiety. 

With a mind and body approach, chiropractic care can ease symptoms associated with mental illness. If you are experiencing depression, anxiety, or other mental illnesses, then schedule a chiropractic appointment online or call us today to find relief from your symptoms.

However, if one is feeling suicidal then contact the national (U.S.) Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by calling 988.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for in-person advice or care from a medical professional.